The pirate code said:
1. Every man, can have food or hard drinks always, exceptly when the tripulation haven't got so much food.
2. Every man is going to be called to bring a part of the booty. The pirate can change his clothes for the ocasion, but if he brings more money than he must bring he is going to be throwed to the ocean. And if he stoles a part of the booty to an other pirate, somebody is going to cut his nose, or his ears.
4. The lights and the candless will be turned off at 20:00. If somebody wants to do drink later, he can do it on the covering.
5. Every pirate must clean his weapons.
6. Children and women can't be part of the tripulation.
7. If when the tripulation is fighting with another ship, and somebody doesn't help in the fight, he will die.
8. Fights aren't allowed on the ship.

10. The captain and the second captain will recive two parts of the booty. Other important pirates of the tripulation, a part an a half, and the rest of tripulation, a part and a quarter.
11. The musicians only will have a free day on Saturdays, the other days of the week they will work day and night.
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